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Travel Agents booking tool.

It's time to book and earn commissions with our Travel Agency booking site.

Travel Agents booking tool.

Costa Sur Puerto Vallarta has a new booking tool for travel agencies.

We are very excited to be able to offer this tool for all Travel Agencies and give them access to book their clients at Costa Sur Puerto Vallarta.

How does it work?

Easy!, you just need to register using your IATA number and create a user and password.  Once you have generated your credentials you can access our travel agents portal and start booking Puerto Vallarta Vacations at Costa Sur for your clients.

I want to start making bookings for my clients, how do I begin?

Here are the links you will need:

Click here to register and create your user: https://www.reservhotel.com/win/owa/TA_outform.main?hgroup=9MK00

Click here to access using your user and password and start booking today: https://www.reservhotel.com/win/owa/ta.login?hgroup=9MK00

For more information please contact us at: reservaciones@costasurpuertovallarta.com